Keynote Speaker

Prof. PLO Lumumba
Prof. PLO LumumbaDean
School of Law – Kabarak University (Kenya)
Prof. Thuli Madonsela
Prof. Thuli MadonselaChair: Social Justice
Stellenbosch University (RSA)
Dr Taleb Rifai
Dr Taleb RifaiPatron
African Tourism Board
Nardos Bekele-Thomas
Nardos Bekele-ThomasResident Co-Ordinator
United Nations (RSA)
Neeraj Vij
Neeraj VijRegional Sector Manager
Industry, Agriculture, and Human Development – African Development Bank (RSA)
Busisiwe Mavuso
Busisiwe MavusoCEO
Business Leadership South Africa (RSA)
Bennie Van Rooy
Bennie Van RooyCEO
Grobank (RSA)
Mariam Kane-Garcia
Mariam Kane-GarciaCEO & MD
Total South Africa (RSA)
Dr Jon-Hans Coetzer
Dr Jon-Hans CoetzerInternational Education & Development Consultant
EU Business School Group (Portugal)
Maxim Behar
Maxim BeharPresident
World Communication Forum (Bulgaria)
Phumlani M. Majozi
Phumlani M. MajoziSenior Fellow
African Liberty (RSA)
Mbali Nwoko
Mbali NwokoCEO
Green Terrace (RSA)
Sisa Ntshona
Sisa NtshonaCEO
SA Tourism (RSA)
Saurabh Uboweja
Saurabh UbowejaManaging Partner:
BOD Consulting (India)
 Alderman James Vos
Alderman James VosMayoral Committee Member
Economic Opportunities in the City of Cape Town (RSA)
Glenton De Kock
Glenton De KockCEO
Claudia Shilumani
Claudia Shilumani CEO
Centre for Communication Impact (RSA)
Wandile Sihlobo
Wandile SihloboChief Economist
Agbiz (RSA)
Popo Maja
Popo MajaCommunications & Stakeholder Management
National Dept. of Health (RSA)
Clare Dewhirst
Clare DewhirstFounding Director
City Nation Place
Dr Dalien Benecke
Dr Dalien BeneckePresident
Yomi Badejo-Okusanya
Yomi Badejo-OkusanyaPresident
African Public Relations Association
Octavi de la Varga Mas
Octavi de la Varga MasSecretary General
Alexander Porodnov
Alexander PorodnovCEO: Investment Promotion Agency of the Sverdlovsk region & Ural Congress Bureau (Ekaterinburg, Russia)
Investment Promotion Agency of the Sverdlovsk region & Ural Congress Bureau (Russia)
Busi Ntuli
Busi NtuliEntrepreneur, MD and Co-Founder
TransAfrica Radio (Russia)
Emilia Saiz Carrancedo
Emilia Saiz CarrancedoSecretary General
Sithole Mbanga
Sithole MbangaCEO
South African Cities Network (RSA)
Gugu Ntuli
Gugu NtuliGroup Executive
Corporate Affairs and Marketing – SABC (RSA)
Tshifhiwa Tshivhengwa
Tshifhiwa TshivhengwaCEO
Tourism Business Council of SA
Sampo Suihko
Sampo SuihkoGeneral Director
Omnia (Finland)
Cuthbert Ncube
Cuthbert NcubeExecutive Chairman
African Tourism Board
Rob Davidson
Rob DavidsonMD
Mice Knowledge (UK)
Regine Le Roux
Regine Le RouxFounder & Managing Director
Reputation Matters (RSA)
Ralph Mathekga
Ralph MathekgaHead Political Economy
Mapungubwe Institute for Strategic Reflection (RSA)